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School Council

Welcome to our school council page!

Our school council members for 2024/25 were elected by their classmates, and our head boy and girl who are also part of the school council, presented their speeches to the whole school community and were elected by staff members.

Head girl – Amelie
Head boy – Harvey

Willow class representative – Amelia and Archie
Ash class representatives – Verity and George
Oak class representatives – Arthur and Phoebe

The remit of their role will include supporting the school in organising events, helping children pastorally, assisting adults with tasks and acting as excellent ambassadors in upholding our core vision and values.

Already this year, representatives the school council have been part of the Friends of the Tenth remembrance service, laying flowers on the Borough memorial to represent the school.

There are many upcoming events throughout the year that will require support from the School Council.  We are very proud of the start the councillors have made in their new roles and are confident that they will continue to act with high levels of professionalism and responsibility as the academic year progresses.

School Council Autumn Term Debate

Each term the school council have a debate topic, which they talk about in their meetings and with their classes, then feed back to the school. The Autumn term debate topic is ‘We all have a voice.’ Through this topic we will be looking at the core British value of democracy, thinking about how we can make sure everyone in school can have their voice heard, and consider our school value of inclusion.