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Year 2 and 3 - Ash Class

Into the Unknown

We have enjoyed answering our big question ‘how did we learn to fly?’ this half term. We started off by exploring a range of sources to find out when the first flight happened. We have enjoyed role playing as an eyewitness that saw Amelia Earhart land in Northern Ireland. As we got further into our learning, we started to explore the moon landings too!


Rocks, rocks, rocks is all we have been learning about in science. We studied a range of rocks using magnifying glasses. We looked carefully at their characteristics and how we might group them based on their properties. As part of our learning about the formation of rocks, we learned all about how fossils are formed. We even had a go at creating our own fossils.

In maths, we have been exploring all things measurement! We began using millimetres, centimetres and metres to measure objects in our classroom. We held a plane flying competition and used our knowledge of measurement to see how far they flew. Following this, we started measuring mass in grams and kilograms using balancing and measuring scales. We also measured in millilitres and litres, we took the opportunity to explore this outside with jugs and water whilst the sun was still shining!


During this term we have also done a mini project with the Year 4 children all about Ancient Egypt. We learned all about the importance of the River Nile, the process of mummification. We even had a go at mummifying a tomato and building our own pyramids to bury them in.