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Year 4, 5 and 6 - Oak Class

This final term in Oak class has flown by!

We have continued with our Ancient Ancestors topic, learning about how humans have changed between the stone age and the iron age.

In English and science we have been learning about Charles Darwin, who first came up with the idea of natural selection when he voyaged around the world on ‘The Beagle’. We have written biographies of Darwin, and persuasive letters either from Darwin to his father trying to persuade him to let Charles go on the voyage, or from his father giving all the reasons why he shouldn’t! We then ended the term with a heated debate between Darwin’s supporters and the old school of religious scientists and clergymen, about whether science or religion explains the way the world was created.  

In maths, we have been recapping our arithmetic skills, and working on a team project to create our own bakery. We had to scale up the ingredients, work out the best value shop to purchase our ingredients from, and design the packaging using our knowledge of nets. It has been great to see the different year groups and abilities collaborating so well together to solve the problems.


In RE, the children have been learning about what matters most to humanists and Christians, and in PSHE they have been finding out about safety and the changing body, including simple first aid.

We had a lovely sunny sports day, and as well as practising our athletics skills in PE we spent a super afternoon at the field playing rounders – even the teachers joined in.

A group of people playing frisbee

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There have been lots of fantastic enrichment opportunities this term. Firstly, year 5 and 6 had a wonderful few days away on residential at Mount Cook, learning teamwork skills and overcoming their fears to try new things. Whilst year 5 and 6 were away, year 4 had a great time learning about the Ancient Egyptians with Ash class.


We have been very busy preparing for our summer performance of  ‘Gladis Baker, Gladiator.’ Everyone did a great job of learning songs and lines, and they all pulled off an amazing performance on the day!


Year 6 have also had a visit to Warning Zone, a treat afternoon at Jump Giants, and not forgetting their transition visits to their new secondary schools.

We are all looking forward to a rest over the summer, before we return in August to start another new and exciting year.